Outing and Jamming
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Its been what? 9-10 months approximately since Luffy was gone and now he's back in Brunei we can all can start over and continue our journey. All of us were there last night after we were having a recording session with Dj Fauzan and Dj Aliff from Pelangi FM. The session was for "Artist of the Month Promo" for this July. yes! we are chosen for this MONTH! ^.^ this month is a very lucky month for De Epitome. As Luffy is back, and then come the "AOTM thingy" as well as our 4th year anniversary as a band to be celebrate by the end of this month. Its already 4 years guys. Alhamdulilah we will keep moving on and keep improving. Thank you for supporting us.
De Epitome
Wednesday, 4pm till 5pmThank you Pelangi for making us Artist of The Month ^.^

New Song
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Guys, sorry for the late delay. I made couple of songs actually but still I don't find any that quite good. But I finally made up my mind and chose this one. Still, i'm not really sure if this one can be a great one. well who knows.. we just try k? Honestly I'm getting bad at making songs now :p lol.. so I look forward for usual practice when i get back. Hopefully we can finish this song and record it before I go back to UK again. and hopefully you guys can make it and once again be with me to make this song come true. Kita Hebat!
hapuskanlah.wma - LuffyP/s: this song is strictly for those who willing to support us (De Epitome)and the band. It is merely a demo sample not sang by the band's real vocal. so weaknesses is to be expected from this sample. do not throw unnecessary critics. Thank you ^.^
La La La [like i care] - Continuation of a journey
Saturday, 27 December 2008
La La La [like i care] was our fourth single to be released on air. I cant quite remember the things that happened during the course of this single..but for fact, it's somewhat the most recognisable piece of work that De Epitome have done. I dont know why or how but people seem to like this song. As i had said from my earlier post..when we decided to record songs for on air releases we promised ourselves that we will, we shall, we MUST do different styles with each of the singles. Like I Care was the epitome of that..coincidentally though..this is the second time that our song starts with the word "once upon a time"..hahah :) (the first one being 'Conversation').
From what i can remember, we were trying to fix Conversation. We needed a more fast paced rythm to go along with the song. But instead of renewing and improving the song we made a whole new song. Based on the rythms and chords of Conversation, we tried to improvise a different tone for this new song. Luffy asked if i could write the lyrics..i asked what do you want for the theme? and he said.."apa pikiran mu jon?"..hahaha :P when someone ask for my personal opinion, my usual answer would be that of my personal experience. And from my personal experience, all my life i've gone thru many..many..many sh*tty experience. The heartbreaks, the lies, the backstabbing, the outcast..its all a long journey for me. So, back on the topic of making the lyrics. As usual as to all the songs i have written, its a personal statement to what i have been thru. So i went ahead and wrote it while the others tried to refine the song.
I cant remember how long it took us to finish the song (i guess around two weeks). But when it was done it was magnificent. This song also marks the first time that i would sing together with Khai. We practised the song a lot of times to hear if there's something missing. Then luffy thought that it would be fun if we could at some vocals at the beginning. And he proposed that we do something different, something that no one can thought of. So we came up with the 'lalala' part. we loved it so much that we decided to put it in different segments of the songs with Khai and me doing different tones of it.
The main theme about this song is really about self respect and believing in yourself. Only by doing this first can other people learn to respect and believe in you. The other theme for this song is about a guy that falls for somewhat the more popular type than he is. Seeing that this is happening, the people around them starts to talk about how bad the dude looks with this awesome girl, some just couldnt believe, some just couldnt stand it..all in all a usual scene in Brunei. I guess that is all that i can write for La La La Like i Care. I know by fact that this song have a lot of fan, so to all the fans i would like to say thank you for supporting us and your support is very very very very very very (to infinity and beyooooonnnnnnnddddd!!!!!!!) valuable to us personally.
Signing out for De Epitome,
b l i n d n e c r o s :)
The Epitome of Tragedy [De Epitome]
Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Lay your head down,
close your eyes,
and feel this world collide.
Breathe in slowly,
believe in me,
Cause in you'll i confide.
Far away it seems,
our dreams we have realised,
the pain, the suffering, the tears.
Staring at the sky,
who are we to deny,
this is our moment,this is our life.
No matter where life takes us,
never forget who we are,
The Epitome of Tragedy..our dream..our shooting star.
Done By: b l i n d n e c r o s
Pa daaa yooo?? Mall gig 7 dec 2008
Friday, 12 December 2008
De epitome was invited to perform on the 7th december 08.. It was in conjunction with the launching of Rentak 914 vol.3 CD. And here are some of the happenings..
Moments before the show..ramai jon!
Sesi Menenangkan fikiran~~
Most of the performers were already there in the morning to do soundchecks , signing posters etc. So when i came (around noon-ish) most of De epitome were either tired, nervous and delirious (delirious only applies to adul :P). But things went just fine as soon as the show started. here are some of the pictures of the performers during the show.
MC for the show Feez Madea (love her 'Hujan' song) & DJ didi
DJ didi introducing Avantgarde
Putri Norizah on stage
Faiz in action

Bombay from the 1st ever P2F
A Band Once :)
A girl that needs no introductions (i'll introduce her anyway)
Ladies & Gentleman.... M A R I A !!! :)
The Seeds & Maria
Hans with Putri Norizah
"Aura~~jangan menangis, ku kan sentiasa berada di sini"
Adi Rani with her daughter Aura :)
Fairuzneezan (i've seen her perform 2 times..great vocals!!) :)
Hikari 8 (always a pleasure to see them perform)
De Epitome's Performance (From an audience point of view)..
As the show's date comes closer, some of us cant make it for the performance. Me & Deal were busy with work. So the only original member left to do the performance were Khai, G5 and Adul. They rehearsed for a total of 2 times only for the performance and they rehearsed it with our guest drummer (Shukri) and keyboardist (Shahrin).
On the day of the show, i came to watch purely as an audience..i could say that not being apart of the performance sucks bad. I just sit and take pictures during the show :(
From where i sit..which is at the front. The show had a few glitches (mostly on behalf of the sound technicians). And when it comes to De Epitome's time to perform i could barely hear the keyboard and Adul's guitar. It was like the amps were'nt working. But as they say..the show must go on..and it did! 'Saat Terhapus' is our latest malay single and Khai had lots and lots of time to practise it before the show. So on the 7th he was quite confident singing it. All of De Epitome looked cool..calm and collected during the show. the reactions from the audience were also encouraging, some were even whistling and clapping (i believed this came from the above floors). From where i sit, people were enjoying it..some nod their heads along with the song, some sing along, some were eating Kentucky Fried Chicken..heheh :P (lapar time atu..taisliur tarus meliat org mkn ah.)
Overall i was glad to see the positive reactions from everyone that was there to see this event. To my Epitome brothers, you guys did well even though 2 of us cant perform at the time. I'm proud of you guys, Im sure Luffy is proud too :). Here are some of our pictures at the show..
De Epitome (Khai mendalami lagu Saat Terhapus..iatah duduk..kira emosi bah tu)
G5 meliat ke atas (gerenti ramai orang di atas ne)
Our guest keyboardist & Drummer (You guys did great!!)

Before the show (Muka memang sorang2 'slumber' time ani..heheh :P)
Khai & G5 taking a picture with De Epitome's Fans :D
Khai & G5 taking a photo with an unidentified (One with NY cap) but apparently a die hard fan of De Epitome
Some of the crowds @ the event..so many you know :P
Sesi Menconteng : G5's signature [Pa Da Yooo!!] :P

Blindnecros's Signature : Epitome Rocks!! :)

Shukri's Signature
Khai posing with his signature : Kita Hebat [We truly are]
Khai. Shukri & Adul [ntah behapa c adul ane?]

Khai during the autograph session [lalai kan begambar nda lagi orang lain ampit pen..hahah] :P
Feez Madea & Adul..again with the unidentified Epitome's die hard fan (one with the cap) interframing :D
Photos Taken By: blindnecros & G5
Post Done By: b l i n d n e c r o s
11 - 10 - 2008 [Dari Dewan Raya]
Thursday, 20 November 2008

On the 11th of october 2008 (Saturday night) we were given the honour to do a show @ RTB's famed Dewan Raya. It was a show in conjunction with Hari Raya 2008 and the show was performed by other local artist and bands that were highlighted as Pelangi FM's Artist of the Month and also Pelangi's Spotlite from the previous month. Here are some of the other performers from that event.
MC for the night Dj Ryan & Dj Aliff (MC = Mesti cali :))
Azeem from Project Tunes [He's one cool dude :)]
Pria Ikhlas Band [They perform superbly that night]
Klip [These dudes are the coolest band i've ever seen]
Sri Nazrina & Rosman Masri
Fairuzneezan [Great vocals!!]

MNC [They live up to their magnifique name]
It was a great night for us. We had fun and all of the other performers were friendly and supportive. The atmosphere was great from beginning till the end. These above performers were great in entertaining the audience. I could say on behalf of De Epitome that it was a great pleasure to be in the same show with these performers.
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW [DE EPITOME'S PERFORMANCE].This is our first time performing in such a big place. This is also the first time we performed without Luffy..It is a personal dream for him to play at Dewan Raya, for that i would like to say that even though you (Luffy) can't be with us, we did our best and we dedicate our performance that night to you :)
We came early that day..because we were worried about soundcheck. so we did soundcheck and tried to calm our nerves by sitting down and talking with each other. We talked about a lot of stuff, past performances, our goals that night, how tonight will end..and alot of other stuff. But the one thing that kept coming thru our mind was not trying to fall apart, not to screw up like we did last time. So before we went to stage, we did some pep talk for each other. Some of it went like this.. "ok guys..iatah masa nya ni..iatah time nya tani buktikan not to others..but to us!! Remember that luffy wants us to be great..so we do this for us & him!!!" (That is the most empowering pep talk i've heard :P) and then we prayed that everything goes well.
Since we were the first to perform, the pressure was really enormous. I dont know about the others, but i was really nervous. But as soon as we went up to the stage, i saw a few things that made me calm 1) our picture on the screen (reminds me of my promise to Luffy to perform well) 2)my lil brother & sister (that are excited to see me do my thang~) and 3)my fiancee (she's the only reason i am what i am). With that in mind everything went well and surprisingly the others were great too.
We performed 3 songs..the first two were 'LaLaLa like i care & Saat terhapus' and the third was our newest single 'CandleLight'..we nailed all of the song greatly. What a relief...*sigh* and the audience were more than supporting. The best crowd i've seen so far. Here are some of our pictures from that night.
Deal [He means business when he's wearing those glasses :D]
Mr.Adul [Adorable in CaraMelayu :p]
Khai & G5 [Doing great bro..that goes for both of you!!]
Shukri [Our Drummer for the night]
De Epitome 11-10-2008[We did it !!!!]
That was some of the happenings we endured during our show @ RTB's Dewan Raya (11-10-08). It was a lot of fun. Hope we have the oppurtunity to do it again next time.
Photos taken by : Adul's Apprentice (Thanks for the pictures)
De Epitome